Reggie Jackson (2024-2025)

Teacher (ELA 7 & ELA 8)

Remind Codes (for parents & students):

Make sure you join the correct code, based on the class period. How do you join? Text @code to 81010.

1st Period [ELA 7]: @bk4e28f

2nd, 3rd, & 5th Period [ELA 7]: @ela72nd3r

6th Period [ELA 8]: @d9k277



Brief Bio:

I welcome you and your child to an exciting year at WMS. As a graduate of Auburn University and with 22 years of teaching experience, I will provide your child with quality service every day. I will offer him/her the chance to strive for excellence because all students, including your child, have the potential to succeed. There are no excuses! War Eagle! P.S. Join Remind! I will post reminders, including upcoming tests/quizzes, homework assignments, etc. So, there should be no reasons for students to not know what they need to do on a weekly basis. Yes, students will have homework assignments. Feel free to contact me throughout the year via Remind or email ( for any questions or concerns. And please donate much-needed supplies to my classroom: (1) Lysol/disinfectant spray, (2) Kleenex/tissue, (3) hand sanitizer, (4) paper towels, (5) Band-Aids, (6) cleaning/disinfectant wipes, (7) copy paper, & (8) candy (for classroom games). Let's have a good, productive year working together! --Mr. Jackson, WMS 2022-2023 Teacher of the Year 


Lesson Plans/Pacing Outline (Current Week of the Quarter):

ELA 7: T.B.A.

ELA 8: T.B.A.

My Class Library: [These are additional books that I provide for my students for leisure/required reading--thus far.]